Updated on March 12, 2021

Below, we are addressing some of the most frequently asked questions about the magnet enrollment process:

How will I be notified?
The School Choice and Parental Options Office will notify parents of magnet results starting on Monday, March 15, 2021. Notifications are sent as follows:

  • If you applied online – you will receive an e-mail notification.
  • If you applied with a paper application and provided a valid e-mail address – you will receive an e-mail notification.
  • If you applied with a paper application and did not provide a valid e-mail address – you will receive the notification via US mail.
    • If the student is currently enrolled in M-DCPS, it will be sent to the address of record.
    • If the student is new to M-DCPS, it will be sent to the address provided on the application.

Is there a deadline to make my selection?
Yes. The deadline to accept an invitation of acceptance is March 30, 2021 (see instructions below). Please note that the lists move automatically and failure to respond by the deadline date will forfeit the seat. Once a seat is forfeited, it is offered to the next student on the waiting list, and it is not revocable.

How do I accept a magnet seat at CIE?
Log back into the Magnet application system to accept your seat at Center for International Education. (Login at: miamimagnetapplication.com)

I don’t remember how to login to the magnet application system.  What do I do to accept my seat at CIE?Parents/legal guardians can complete our magnet forms which contain a  Declaration of Acceptance Letter and CIE will accept the student to the program through the online system on behalf of the parent/legal guardian. 
Any additional questions pertaining admissions and registration may be directed to staff at the school and/or one of the methods below:
Call the school at  (305) 248-7911
Text with the Magnet Lead Teacher at (786) 220-2756Email the school at admin@ciecambridge.org