Setting Up CIE Email

All active students at the Center for International Education will receive a student email account.  Through this account, you will have access to all available productivity tools to include Gmail, Classroom, Drive, Docs, and Sheets to name a few.  All school-related communication via email will be done using this email.  Starting on June 7, students can begin to activate their account following the steps below.

  1. Visit
  1. Your email address and password have been created as follows:
    • Username/Email
      First name initial + First four letters of last name + Last four of student ID =
    • Password (CASE SENSITIVE – The same as your username)
      First name initial + First four letters of last name + Last four of student ID

      For example:
      Student: Ineed A. Vacation, ID: 1234567   
      Username: IVaca4567
      Password: IVaca4567
      (Password is case-sensitive.)
  1. Your email and other productivity tools are ready to go!